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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Download this Mp3 songs

Leonora Jakupi Biography Leonora Jakupi was born 3rd March 1978 in Skenderaj, Kosova. She is one of the most popular singers among Albanians in Kosova, Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro. Today Leonora lives in Kosovas capitol Prishtina. Lost her father during the Kosova - war (1998-1999). Sings everything from commercial pop to patriotic songs. Not married.

Leonora Jakupi 06 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 09 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 12 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 15 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 18 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 02 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 05 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 08 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 11 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 14 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 17 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 17 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 01 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 04 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 07 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 10 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 13 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 16 Mp3
Leonora Jakupi 19 Mp3

Leonora Jakupi Mp3

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Download UnikKatils Songs For mor info >>>>>
Those are some pictures of Unikkatil a.k.a Albanian Rrebel, who is also the Founder of the TBA - The Bloody Albos Click here for more information about TBA . This is the man, who is full of rhymes and beats that can cick some real bitch asses!!Wishin short time, he got famouse all over the world where albanian [ Red & Black ] people live. He is "njeri i qart" so albanain people say... if your one of those then you know what the f*ck I am talking about, dont you "njeri"
01. Rebel a.k.a UniKKatiL - Intro.mp3

06 UniKKatiL ft JeTon Tee Sun Um Prek.mp3

07 Immortel ft UniKKatil 2PO2 l Besnik i Rruges.mp3

09 UniKKatil ft Special KMakfiozi Kungjat.mp3

02 Per Vllazni.mp3

05 Shuj.mp3

04 B52 ft UniKKatilT Special KGishtinE3t.mp3

03 Na Thej.mp3

08 Demek lshojna Kungjaskit.mp3

10 NAG ft UniKKatiL B52 Cyanide Pa Meshir.mp3

11 Rrenat.mp3

13 RebelakaUniKKatiL Hajde Nalna.mp3

12 UniKKatil ft Mafioz Buja NAG Hajde Tlagi.mp3

14 Alboholics ft Cyanide Erdhem na.mp3

15 Sacrifice feat TriBun Nuk Dorzohna.mp3

16 Tornados ft Cyaniderebelsremix Lidhja e Re.mp3

17 RebelakaUniKKati Mos t vjen Inati feat Presioni ZE.mp3

18 Preiosni ft JeTon UniKKatiLremix E premte.mp3

19 UniKKatil f tCyanide B52 Veq fillimi.mp3

UnikKatiL The Bloody Alboz

First download this now song from adelina then jump on others
My BiografyADELINA ISMAJLIDOB-02.01.1977COUNTRY-Kosovo-PristinaSchool-high school at Hasan Pristian in Dardania streetProfesion Music,Classical.Rock,Pop,ect,operaActrees;Hoby Brad pitt,etc Nicole KidmanRelation ship,Have boyfrienf before in 1997-2000Maritual Status:SingleJob.MusicOther,Make value goes to concerts and sing and goes to swimpools during the summer.and when it;s sing take her cloth out.
I started with music from 5th year old school,which i allready during this time in 1985 i was part in Akordet e Kosoves,my compositor of the shcool were Musa Piperku and the othe rone were Mark Kacinari from low medium music and classical one.THen in 1990 i was creating a small album and i have coninued with music,also by help of my own mother MONA ISMAJLI which i love her so much,then day by day with i go up withing an music and i have got my reality at life and i still contine since now i have 10 album which i think the ones who followed my music has allready undersatnd me very well and love me too.Which now my latest album is the Roberesh and Mbretresh which i also is my own self write some song is well to created my emotions what do i feel about and to whom i am singing for.Thanks to all who love me.

Adelina Ismajli - 21 Her.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - 100% Zeshkane.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Cigarxhiu i vogel.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Dy motra nje frajer.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Amaneti.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Heroi tragjedise.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Hiqni maskat.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Kangen ma kan vra.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Kaos i yti.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Kaosi yt.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Kur femra hakmerret.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Mbreteresh.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Mbreteresha e robereshe.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Nga zeroja ne fitore.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Sajzeza.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Shko Ne RS.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Shko.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Sma Ni hic.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Trendafili me ere.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - 100% Zeshkane.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - 21 here.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Ah...Kasandra!.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Bigxig.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Biznesmeni.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Dy Motrat Nj%EB Frajer.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Frajerices.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Hajde Ciko Per Darke.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Heroi i Tragjedis%EB.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Hiqni Maskat.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Kangen Ma Kan%EB Vra.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Kaos I Yti.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Kur Femra Hakmeret.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Mbret%EBresha e Roberis%EB.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Me Motor.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Nga Zeroja N%EB Fitore.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Nuk_jam_sex_bomb.mp3.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Per Ty Djale.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Prej Vraniveci N'Dardani.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Shko.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Rroka Mandolinen.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Ti Do T%EB Matohesh.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Tr%EBndafili Me Er%EB.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Une C Ti.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Ushtrine Time Do Ta Bej.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Vet%EBm P%EBr Ty.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Vetem Ne Rini.mp3

Adelina Ismaili Mp3

Download this Now Songs From Genta
Gentiana is the Greek name for this plant, and was first used about 50-100 AD [Corneliuson, 1997]. According to Dioscoroides and Pliny, this plant got its Greek name after the last king of Illyria, Genthios [Genthius, Gentius] (180-68 BC). Illyria was located close to today's Albania. Supposedly Genthios discovered the pharmacological properties of gentians. Genthios and Gentian is still used as given names, in Albania and other places; Genthios for males, Genthis for females, and Gentian for both genders.
Nr1. Genta - Gabova.mp3

Nr9.Genta - Zor pa mua e keq per mua.mp3

Nr4. Genta -Mu Largo.mp3

Nr7. Genta - Sdo Te Pres.mp3

Nr3. Genta - Mpuq Mpuq.mp3

Nr8.Genta - per ty jam e vdekur.mp3

Nr2. Genta - Luj Me Mua.mp3

Nr5. Genta - Pse Te Dua Ty.mp3

Nr6. Genta - Une Jam Fati Yt.mp3

Genta Ismaili Hot Mp3

Spat Kasapi Mp3

Thursday, February 16, 2006

mix songs

Adem Ramadani Ilahi

Videos by cateogry



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