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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

UnikKatiL The Bloody Alboz

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Those are some pictures of Unikkatil a.k.a Albanian Rrebel, who is also the Founder of the TBA - The Bloody Albos Click here for more information about TBA . This is the man, who is full of rhymes and beats that can cick some real bitch asses!!Wishin short time, he got famouse all over the world where albanian [ Red & Black ] people live. He is "njeri i qart" so albanain people say... if your one of those then you know what the f*ck I am talking about, dont you "njeri"
01. Rebel a.k.a UniKKatiL - Intro.mp3

06 UniKKatiL ft JeTon Tee Sun Um Prek.mp3

07 Immortel ft UniKKatil 2PO2 l Besnik i Rruges.mp3

09 UniKKatil ft Special KMakfiozi Kungjat.mp3

02 Per Vllazni.mp3

05 Shuj.mp3

04 B52 ft UniKKatilT Special KGishtinE3t.mp3

03 Na Thej.mp3

08 Demek lshojna Kungjaskit.mp3

10 NAG ft UniKKatiL B52 Cyanide Pa Meshir.mp3

11 Rrenat.mp3

13 RebelakaUniKKatiL Hajde Nalna.mp3

12 UniKKatil ft Mafioz Buja NAG Hajde Tlagi.mp3

14 Alboholics ft Cyanide Erdhem na.mp3

15 Sacrifice feat TriBun Nuk Dorzohna.mp3

16 Tornados ft Cyaniderebelsremix Lidhja e Re.mp3

17 RebelakaUniKKati Mos t vjen Inati feat Presioni ZE.mp3

18 Preiosni ft JeTon UniKKatiLremix E premte.mp3

19 UniKKatil f tCyanide B52 Veq fillimi.mp3