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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Genta Ismaili Hot Mp3

Download this Now Songs From Genta
Gentiana is the Greek name for this plant, and was first used about 50-100 AD [Corneliuson, 1997]. According to Dioscoroides and Pliny, this plant got its Greek name after the last king of Illyria, Genthios [Genthius, Gentius] (180-68 BC). Illyria was located close to today's Albania. Supposedly Genthios discovered the pharmacological properties of gentians. Genthios and Gentian is still used as given names, in Albania and other places; Genthios for males, Genthis for females, and Gentian for both genders.
Nr1. Genta - Gabova.mp3

Nr9.Genta - Zor pa mua e keq per mua.mp3

Nr4. Genta -Mu Largo.mp3

Nr7. Genta - Sdo Te Pres.mp3

Nr3. Genta - Mpuq Mpuq.mp3

Nr8.Genta - per ty jam e vdekur.mp3

Nr2. Genta - Luj Me Mua.mp3

Nr5. Genta - Pse Te Dua Ty.mp3

Nr6. Genta - Une Jam Fati Yt.mp3


  • Anonymous says:
    5/28/2006 10:58:00 AM

    hey genta shum sexy je a me ty isha martu meniher a

  • Anonymous says:
    6/11/2006 11:53:00 PM

    hahaha ma bre shqiptar a e din qe kjo esht gjilanese qe ski shanc me ta dhe plus e ka milotin heheh un genta jam per ty gjillani the best


  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 05:04:00 AM

    Ti je ka Gjilani une s/jam Rebel shko ke Hismet Klaiqi Sindelfingen Kamenica

  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 05:05:00 AM

    Une kam cekicin ta qi nonen pidh ne brez e mbaj

  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 05:12:00 AM

    Genta ti pidh per s mbari ai rebeli eshte vllai im ka vra Arkanin me ate mos u qi hajde tek Parkingu i Rozafa-Palace bjere dhe Gjysten krejt bjeri ebhe nja tre jave jam ne Shqiperi Polici Sejfi Qejvani e qe rri tek Ambasada Gjermane e di se ku e kam

  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 05:14:00 AM

    Degjo ketu si ta kem cekicin edhe Arusha me ardh e mbys

  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 05:16:00 AM

    Ai rebeli eshte goce ka lind ne inkubator ku ta gjeni eliminojeni

  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 06:22:00 AM

    Albanien schreibt mit A grooss

  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 06:22:00 AM

    Albanien schreibt mit A grooss

  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 06:24:00 AM

    Albanien schreibt mit A grooss

  • Artan Hoxha says:
    6/13/2006 06:28:00 AM

    Ju a qi nonen pidh te gjitheve picka mu materina ich fich euch alle ich kann turkisch une kam vetem pune me Adolf Hitlerin ju s dini me fol shqip doni Amerikant nonen mu ne pidh do tia qi ne pidh amerikanve une vetem me Adolf Hitlerin kam pune

  • Anonymous says:
    6/25/2006 01:58:00 AM

    Artan Hoxha..Boll ma se boll u fryve.aiiiiii edhe ti..Pona duhet fort a ake pun me Adolf Hitler ti.. nejse..Tung kaloni bukur ne vazhdim!! Adelina dhe Gentiana Ismaili jon nr. 1!!!!! JU dua!:)

  • Anonymous says:
    6/27/2006 03:32:00 AM

    Ani o burneshe mu duhet cekici se kam ble mua me kane dhene ilacin ne burgun e tybingenit dhe thashe se eksperti im quhet Adolf Hitler ne menyre sonambuli dhe ata me cuan tek psyciatria Weissenau Hismet Klaiqi e din Sommerhofer str.219 Sindelfingen tashti jam ne Shqiperi pasneser jam ne Gjilan s kam as edhe nje lek u be tallash Gjystes me duket se ka inat te gjithave ju du

  • Anonymous says:
    6/28/2006 10:51:00 AM

    Tashti mu be qejfi se ti me do buke kripe ezmer hajde bujrem

  • Anonymous says:
    6/28/2006 10:54:00 AM

    Buke kripe e zemer me 2 korrik festa e Kosoves me 12 korrik festa e Shqiperise ate dite qe ne hyme ne token Gjermane viti 1990 neve na e kane harruar emrin por jo Kosova

  • Anonymous says:
    6/30/2006 06:31:00 AM

    EE Genta ma e mira je edhe ti na ke prezantu mas miri ne " EURO VIDEO " . Bravo

  • Anonymous says:
    7/05/2006 01:45:00 AM

    genta esht nder kengetaret me te mira ne gjith boten.genta esht shum e bukur. genta te dua shum. te fala nga gjermania. tung

  • Anonymous says:
    7/25/2006 01:34:00 AM

    ti zotri qe i qike te gjith deri sa te vish te ne shko te nena jote se ajo ndoshta ka nevoj per ashtu gjonash e jo neve more vesh artan hoxha

  • Anonymous says:
    8/08/2006 03:37:00 PM

    genta looking hott and got my boyfriend going crzyyyyyyyy thanks for that hahah...

  • Anonymous says:
    11/17/2006 10:24:00 AM

    Pasoshin thuj Ismet Klaiqit pasoshin e asylit

  • Anonymous says:
    11/17/2006 10:26:00 AM

    Greta Koci ka qene qeraxhie thuj gretes ku e ka shtepine cuni i besimit dhe jepi pasoshin e asylit dhe o burrani ne Gjermani

  • Anonymous says:
    12/18/2006 07:02:00 AM

    a do vish genta per zotin do vras veten po s te qiva greta koci ka qene qeraxhije ke shtepija ime