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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Adelina Ismaili Mp3

First download this now song from adelina then jump on others
My BiografyADELINA ISMAJLIDOB-02.01.1977COUNTRY-Kosovo-PristinaSchool-high school at Hasan Pristian in Dardania streetProfesion Music,Classical.Rock,Pop,ect,operaActrees;Hoby Brad pitt,etc Nicole KidmanRelation ship,Have boyfrienf before in 1997-2000Maritual Status:SingleJob.MusicOther,Make value goes to concerts and sing and goes to swimpools during the summer.and when it;s sing take her cloth out.
I started with music from 5th year old school,which i allready during this time in 1985 i was part in Akordet e Kosoves,my compositor of the shcool were Musa Piperku and the othe rone were Mark Kacinari from low medium music and classical one.THen in 1990 i was creating a small album and i have coninued with music,also by help of my own mother MONA ISMAJLI which i love her so much,then day by day with i go up withing an music and i have got my reality at life and i still contine since now i have 10 album which i think the ones who followed my music has allready undersatnd me very well and love me too.Which now my latest album is the Roberesh and Mbretresh which i also is my own self write some song is well to created my emotions what do i feel about and to whom i am singing for.Thanks to all who love me.

Adelina Ismajli - 21 Her.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - 100% Zeshkane.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Cigarxhiu i vogel.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Dy motra nje frajer.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Amaneti.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Heroi tragjedise.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Hiqni maskat.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Kangen ma kan vra.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Kaos i yti.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Kaosi yt.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Kur femra hakmerret.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Mbreteresh.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Mbreteresha e robereshe.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Nga zeroja ne fitore.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Sajzeza.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Shko Ne RS.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Shko.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Sma Ni hic.mp3

Adelina Ismaili - Trendafili me ere.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - 100% Zeshkane.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - 21 here.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Ah...Kasandra!.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Bigxig.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Biznesmeni.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Dy Motrat Nj%EB Frajer.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Frajerices.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Hajde Ciko Per Darke.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Heroi i Tragjedis%EB.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Hiqni Maskat.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Kangen Ma Kan%EB Vra.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Kaos I Yti.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Kur Femra Hakmeret.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Mbret%EBresha e Roberis%EB.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Me Motor.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Nga Zeroja N%EB Fitore.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Nuk_jam_sex_bomb.mp3.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Per Ty Djale.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Prej Vraniveci N'Dardani.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Shko.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Rroka Mandolinen.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Ti Do T%EB Matohesh.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Tr%EBndafili Me Er%EB.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Une C Ti.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Ushtrine Time Do Ta Bej.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Vet%EBm P%EBr Ty.mp3

Adelina Ismajli - Vetem Ne Rini.mp3


  • Anonymous says:
    4/08/2006 01:22:00 PM

    Adelina esht me e mira. You are the best!! Adelina 4-ever.

  • Anonymous says:
    4/08/2006 01:24:00 PM

    Je gjithmon me mira ashtu ke qen je dhe do te betesh.Uroj te kesh fat dhe gjith te mirat.Muzika qe ben esht me mira nga gjith te tjerat.Ata qe thon se Adelina esht kengetare e keqe ja kan inat.Nje fanse e madhe e Adelines.

  • Anonymous says:
    6/24/2006 07:13:00 AM

    oo Adelin kur del ne tv te gjith te shohiin por une po kom qev me ta ba live pidhine keshtu a po vjen te paguaj sa te dush 100 000 mi euro 1 ore se kom pare vallasa te dush

  • Anonymous says:
    6/30/2006 05:21:00 PM

    adelina eshe e para dhe nuk i afrohet askush afer..

  • Anonymous says:
    7/25/2006 07:09:00 AM

    Adelina ti je numer 1 edhe nuk mundet kerkush me u shty me ty veq kush ta ka inatin ty ok te pershendes Mbreteresh

  • Anonymous says:
    8/12/2006 08:09:00 AM

    Ta qifsha motren Adeline ti se njef Artan Hoxhen ti qifsha te coft tek Efendia ne Stuutgart te pres une te erdha tek shtepia e ti me perzure unikatili ka emer quhet Artan Hoxha

  • Anonymous says:
    8/30/2006 09:07:00 AM

    ojjjjjjjjjj adelin krejt trullajk je po ti as nuk din me knu as sen te zotit dy lidhje me kry nuk i ki veq din me reklamu trupin valla me kan ne ven tend isha ba modele me i reklamu rrobat e mbrendshme se per qata je ti bili mos na flliq skenen kosovare se na bane hor ti vala veq kjo leonora na zbardh ftyren neve kosovarve se ti haj medet per ty ,ti ja ki inati leonores qe esht ma e bukur se ti kendon bukur dhe ja ka anen e per ket je rre me leonoren oki trullajk tung e mos e rrit shum mendjen

  • Anonymous says:
    9/30/2006 08:06:00 PM

    ta qkekerdhpj dhipin adelin jam ng psikatria e tubingenit nga gjermania (tuebingen) ta bej servic te karit pastaj shifemi

  • Anonymous says:
    9/30/2006 08:15:00 PM

    Adeline ndodhem tek psikiatria e Prishtines pastaj do shkoj tek Psychiatria Tybingen me i bo Servis Karit pse nuk ma hap deren une te bej asnje gje vetem koken ta fus ke pidhi.
    Ke Parkingu i Rozafa Palaces ne Tirane na vizito nga nje here une jam vllai i Unikatilit ai thote qe nena e vet quhet Silvia Ziesel dhe une keshtu them na ndihmoni me ndihma se une cofa unit xhirollogaria ime 8000522310 me Euro Reiffesen Bank Tirana

  • Anonymous says:
    11/16/2006 01:23:00 AM

    Adeline c pidhin e nones me shkrun kur s me njef te erdha ne shtepi por ti nuk ma hape deren gjyshen ta qifsha mu ke pidhi Greta Koci ka qene Qeraxhie hajde dhe ti qiu me Artan Hoxhen e Shqiperise Greta Koci me njef thuj cuni i Besimit qe Greta ka qene qeraxhie

  • havericat e artan hoxhes says:
    11/24/2006 07:37:00 AM

    adelinaaaaaaa oo sikur thuper e lagt boll bajatic eee kishe po kcej mir po ajo kcen sikur n puff thjesht bon striptizz ee emri i ri i adelines oo "ckrraja me cica t mdhaja"veq ni dallim o se adelina i ka cicat n'silikon fucking bitch

  • Anonymous says:
    4/09/2007 08:03:00 AM

    Adelina je shume e mir kendon shum mir edhe kenget i kie te mira por Gentes edhe Shpatit smundesh tia klosh

  • Anonymous says:
    6/30/2007 05:03:00 PM

    Do ti lutesha administratorit te kesaj faqeje,ti heqi te gjitha shenimet e Artan Hoxhes,pasi ai eshte realisht i semure psiqik.Une qe ju shkruaj jam i jati i tij.Ju lutem te na falin te gjithe personat qe ai ka ofenduar.Faleminderit per mirkuptimin. Besim Hoxha